Last night Andrew and I had a good party. Before that Jói and I went to the opening of this Michel Gondry show at Deitch Projects. On display were the sets from his upcoming movie which I am now even more excited to see because now I've been in it. It's about people who have a video store but all their TAPES go blank so they have to act out and record all the movies themselves. here's michel gondry pretending that the trailer went blank and acting it out himself.
later lots of other people came over and we played games. game night works like this: jews give points to jews, icelandic people give points to icelandic people, gays give points to their boyfriends, and despite giving each other points icelandic people loose anyway because they're foreign. everyone has fun anyway because they're drunk.
we also watched this,

Possibly my all time favorite kids' film; All dogs go to heaven (1989) is the reason why I grew up to like a) good films b) really fucked up films. All dogs go to heaven is a really fucked up kids' film about gangsters, violence, murder, intoxication, gambling, heaven, hell, poor people, and other fucked up things. But everyone is a dog. There is a Burt Reynolds dog and a jewish dog and a dog named car face. but there is also a giant homosexual singing alligator who eats people and there is a little orphan girl. Jói kept saying that the little girl had sexy legs. the little girl is supposed to be like 6 years old.
the actress who voiced the part of the little girl was 10 years old when the movie was made. she was also 10 years old when she was shot and killed by her fucked up father. this was her final film and that makes the film even more sad and fucked up.
I don't know why I'm awake at 9 the morning after I get drunk and stay up late. I think I was too thirsty to sleep. Now I'm going to wait for the other people in the world to wake up.
later lots of other people came over and we played games. game night works like this: jews give points to jews, icelandic people give points to icelandic people, gays give points to their boyfriends, and despite giving each other points icelandic people loose anyway because they're foreign. everyone has fun anyway because they're drunk.
we also watched this,

Possibly my all time favorite kids' film; All dogs go to heaven (1989) is the reason why I grew up to like a) good films b) really fucked up films. All dogs go to heaven is a really fucked up kids' film about gangsters, violence, murder, intoxication, gambling, heaven, hell, poor people, and other fucked up things. But everyone is a dog. There is a Burt Reynolds dog and a jewish dog and a dog named car face. but there is also a giant homosexual singing alligator who eats people and there is a little orphan girl. Jói kept saying that the little girl had sexy legs. the little girl is supposed to be like 6 years old.
the actress who voiced the part of the little girl was 10 years old when the movie was made. she was also 10 years old when she was shot and killed by her fucked up father. this was her final film and that makes the film even more sad and fucked up.
I don't know why I'm awake at 9 the morning after I get drunk and stay up late. I think I was too thirsty to sleep. Now I'm going to wait for the other people in the world to wake up.
Labels: exhibitions, films, fucked up shit, game night, gays, icelandic people
oh lord! I had so forgotten about that movie! I have to download it asap. it is probably my favourite kids movie as well! I am so happy now that you reminded me of it! seriously! hopa everything is well and say Hi to Jói from me!
Mér langar til að sjá be kind rewind myndina, ég vissi ekki að það væri Gondry mynd.
Hin myndin er fáránlega tæp miðið við lýsinguna. Kannski sé ég hana seinna.
.Hola! It's Lorraine, Hrafnhildur's friend from Puerto Rico. Interesting about the Gondry film.
i love this movie! i didnt know about the girl in it, that is really sad and fucked up, that makes it like... a snuff film (not really at all. but you know)
hi julia!
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