this is sort of "nothing".
No, Jonathan Lethem did not find me and kill me. I have merely been very busy / very tired / very unmotivated. But it's not too bad. I am in a state of nothingness right now. I feel like "nothing". I am not happy, or sad, or excited, or depressed, I don't think I'm going to ace this semester but I also doubt that I will fail it, I sort of want to stay in new york this summer but I also want to go home. I don't really care. I really like eating and sleeping at the moment. This is an entirely boring state of mind to be in, this "nothingness". I hope something happens soon to fix it.
Now that we're all very informed on my current feelings, I can tell you what has happened.
Vera, Björg & Pétur came to stay with me over spring break. We were drunk for a week. well they were drunk for a week, i tried to keep up but couldn't really while doing homework and going to bed embarrassingly early every night. We ate delicious bagels every morning. We watched the entire season 3 of Felicity, the utterly terrible TV series that Mona left with me when we stopped living together in the dorm and i never watched it and I TRIED to return it to her but no. Of course we ended up watching the entire damned thing.

since they left I have been up to no good.
I'm trying to make a real website. you know I have this whole domain,, it's not just for this blog. this blog is just supposed to be a bonus. my friend gave me Dreamweaver CS3 claiming it was sooo easy to use, and even if I know html and css just writing out the code would be a bitch. But Dreamweaver is looking like the most complicated, time consuming shit right now. I really need to put up some things that are semi serious. Because I never do. I need someone to come sit with me and walk me through this. I just want a simple normal 2 column page. I will make them limeade and rice pudding. I make really good limeade by the way. help. me.
Now that we're all very informed on my current feelings, I can tell you what has happened.
Vera, Björg & Pétur came to stay with me over spring break. We were drunk for a week. well they were drunk for a week, i tried to keep up but couldn't really while doing homework and going to bed embarrassingly early every night. We ate delicious bagels every morning. We watched the entire season 3 of Felicity, the utterly terrible TV series that Mona left with me when we stopped living together in the dorm and i never watched it and I TRIED to return it to her but no. Of course we ended up watching the entire damned thing.

since they left I have been up to no good.
I'm trying to make a real website. you know I have this whole domain,, it's not just for this blog. this blog is just supposed to be a bonus. my friend gave me Dreamweaver CS3 claiming it was sooo easy to use, and even if I know html and css just writing out the code would be a bitch. But Dreamweaver is looking like the most complicated, time consuming shit right now. I really need to put up some things that are semi serious. Because I never do. I need someone to come sit with me and walk me through this. I just want a simple normal 2 column page. I will make them limeade and rice pudding. I make really good limeade by the way. help. me.
Labels: icelandic people, nothing, television, the internet
ég trúi ekki, júlía, að þú eigir felicity á dvd. það er eiginlega það fyndnasta sem ég hef heyrt í mjög langan tíma.
sko ég Á þetta ekki neitt, mona á þá og ég REYNDI að skila þeim en hún "gleymdi" þeim heimahjá mér eftir að ég skilaði þeim! ÉG ER SAKLAUS.
Ég er líka föst í svona nothing-state. Og mér finnst það þægilegt. En ekki til lengdar...
Á meðan ætla ég bara að halda áfram að borða á innflutt kúlusúkk og horfa á júróvisjónlög ársins sem eru svo óvenjuslæm að þau fara tvo hringi og verða góð...
hvað er málið? er þetta eitthvað svona "þessi tími ársins" syndrome? mér líður líka svona.. eða reyndar frekar kjánalega í ofanálag af því að ég fann mig tilneydda til að nota gæsalappir..
vá, felicity var alltaf í sjónvarpinu í Köben... allavega alltaf þegar ég var að passa, og þá var ég alltaf líka að horfa á sjónvarpið. alltaf? það væri annars gaman að berja þig augum í sumar.
Mér líður eins og ég sé ástfangin. Samt er ég það ekki. Vorið fær mig bara til að vera bjartsýn, hlæja upphátt ein í strætó, syngja (óvart og upphátt) á Þjóðarbókhlöðunni og vera ekkert ofurstressuð þó að ég þurfi að skrifa þrjár ritgerðir í einu og fara í tvö feit próf. Núna veistu hvernig MÉR líður ... Heppin.
P.s. Sakna Ben. Hann hafði svo geðveikt bros. Og augu. Og magavöðva... Sakna þess reyndar bara yfir höfuð að vera nývöknuð og þunn og horfa á Felicity í einni klessu í sófanum með þér, Björgu og Pétri...
Og gera svona ... OJ! NEI! EKKI KYSSA HANN! ÞAÐ ER EKKI HOT AÐ SOFA HJÁ STRÁK SEM ER 3000 KÍLÓ! ... við sjónvarpið.
I read your blog occasionally(thumbs up btw), and I could help if you want?
I'm more of an HTML/CSS dood, but yeah. It should be easy enough to do the site in HTML rather than in Dreamweaver(which causes headaches later on, I think).
I like limeade?
P.S. Mein e-mail is
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