life plan and things you need in order to acquire eternal happiness:
I think I am trying to fix my state of "nothingness", by sleeping less for example. And doing some other things. I feel less like "nothing" right now. Maybe it's just because I went to mama's food shop though. Here is my new life plan: I will seduce someone who works at mama's. He will in turn bring me food all the time because I practically live next door anyway. very convenient. He will like horror movies and videogames and our lives will be perfect.
Now I just need someone who can teach me mad seduction skills.
Hey. I am really happy that people like to read this even though I'm writing about "nothing". And that icelandic people read this even though I'm writing in english = betraying the motherland. ACTUAL FACT = most icelandic people read english, but most foreign people do not read icelandic. It's a twisted world, I know.
Now I will talk about fun things.
Fun thing number one: Playing chess. I really want a nice chess set now. Rachael London has one and sometimes we play chess and drink tea or red wine and that makes for a very "happy sophisticated lady"-time. I'm probably better at checkers though. I will somehow acquire one of those double time sets. Then I will seduce people to play chess with me and we will drink limeade and look like this:

Fun thing number two: Limeade. Here are some reactions to my limeade:
Rachael: "Oh my god you are so incredibly good at this!"
I think that's it. Nobody else has tried it.

Fun thing number three: The brothers Quay are coming to present their films at my school on Friday! That is very exciting! If you are not familiar with them, they are basically a set of IDENTICAL twins who want to be Jan Svankmajer. If you are not familiar with Jan Svankmajer, you should be. They are almost 60. They looked like this when they were younger:

They pretty much are pretentious for a living. There latest film is called The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, possibly the most pretentious name of a film ever. At least their pretentious shit is really good. I tried hard to find a clip on youtube that wasn't 10 minutes and incredibly pretentious but this was almost impossible. But here's one from the Institute Benjamenta, which I watched several times during my video store days.
(Parts of the beginning reminds me of Vera. She will know why.)
If you don't have patience for that, here's a short scene they did in the film Frida, probably seen by more people than all of their own films combined.
nice, yes?
Well, one can only take so many fun things in one night. I think I need to stop now.
p.s. here are some titles I considered for this post: "The Piano Tuner of Pretentious Wannabes" and "Limeade Seduction". Neither one qualified.
p.p.s. I am enjoying this book very much now, both as reading material and a headrest for when I wall asleep in class:

Now I just need someone who can teach me mad seduction skills.
Hey. I am really happy that people like to read this even though I'm writing about "nothing". And that icelandic people read this even though I'm writing in english = betraying the motherland. ACTUAL FACT = most icelandic people read english, but most foreign people do not read icelandic. It's a twisted world, I know.
Now I will talk about fun things.
Fun thing number one: Playing chess. I really want a nice chess set now. Rachael London has one and sometimes we play chess and drink tea or red wine and that makes for a very "happy sophisticated lady"-time. I'm probably better at checkers though. I will somehow acquire one of those double time sets. Then I will seduce people to play chess with me and we will drink limeade and look like this:

Fun thing number two: Limeade. Here are some reactions to my limeade:
Rachael: "Oh my god you are so incredibly good at this!"
I think that's it. Nobody else has tried it.

Fun thing number three: The brothers Quay are coming to present their films at my school on Friday! That is very exciting! If you are not familiar with them, they are basically a set of IDENTICAL twins who want to be Jan Svankmajer. If you are not familiar with Jan Svankmajer, you should be. They are almost 60. They looked like this when they were younger:

They pretty much are pretentious for a living. There latest film is called The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, possibly the most pretentious name of a film ever. At least their pretentious shit is really good. I tried hard to find a clip on youtube that wasn't 10 minutes and incredibly pretentious but this was almost impossible. But here's one from the Institute Benjamenta, which I watched several times during my video store days.
(Parts of the beginning reminds me of Vera. She will know why.)
If you don't have patience for that, here's a short scene they did in the film Frida, probably seen by more people than all of their own films combined.
nice, yes?
Well, one can only take so many fun things in one night. I think I need to stop now.
p.s. here are some titles I considered for this post: "The Piano Tuner of Pretentious Wannabes" and "Limeade Seduction". Neither one qualified.
p.p.s. I am enjoying this book very much now, both as reading material and a headrest for when I wall asleep in class:

Labels: books, chess, films, mama's food shop, school
You should try writing in hopelandic, people will just assume you're saying something really pretty. And you're going to have to send me some of that limeade.
betrayer of mother iceland.
haha mér finnst ekkert eðlilegra en að þú skrifir á ensku, en mér finnst fyndið að pétur commenti á ensku!
ég veit ekki af hverju...
elsku júlía.
það lætur mér líða svo vel að lesa skrifin þín. þú skrifar um svo sniðuga hluti á svo frábærann hátt. gamam gamam. þetta er mig búið að langa að segja lengi, aaahhh. vei þér!
mig langar líka að smakka limeade, (sem ég veit reyndar ekki alveg hvað er, ímynda mér að það sé lemonade úr lime, er það ekki?)
hey svo er ég að koma til ny 20. apríl, eigum við ekki að koma að leika eitthvað.. það væri oasomm.
heyrðu nú verð ég að spyrja... hvað er limeade? og hvernig er það borið fram? eitthvað svipað og myriad? og hvað þýðir það??
- Hahaha augun! ... þegar ég segi fólki þessa sögu hérna heima horfir það á mig ásakandi augum og segir: Vera! Þú ert ignorant fáviti! ... svo hlaupa þau grátandi í burtu. Nema Sigga. Henni var skemmt.
- Mér fannst klippið sem tvíburarnir gerðu í Fridu myndinni flott.
- Svo mæli ég með því að þú farir í afró. Ég er alveg viss um að þú fýlir það. Það virkar líka ótrúlega vel í svona nothingness...
pétur: ísæljó, í flæææ fló. tjúúúúú.
sigurlaug: þakka þér kærlega fyrir! og jú endilega höfum hitting þegar þú ert hérna stödd.
erla: limeade, borið fram "læm-eid", er drykkur búinn til úr nýkreistum læmsafa, vatni og sykri, nema ég nota blue agave nectar í staðinn fyrir sykur því það er miklu hollara.
Halló Júlía. Ég skora hér með á þig í skák. Ég lærði skák frá 5-8 ára í Ísaksskóla. Ég var þriðji besti í skólanum. Allir bestu skákmenn Íslands voru í Ísaksskóla. Jóhann Hjartarson, Hannes Hlífar og fleiri kappar.
Hey. Í dag, fimmtudag frá kl. 18 til 20 er opnun á nýrri sýningu Ryans McGinleys í Team Gallery á 83 grand st. milli wooster og greene. Vertu þar eða vertu kassi.
Ég er að nota íslenska símanúmerið mitt núna, 354-660-0469.
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