winner time.
I got an e-mail the other day:
This means I wrote a story and sent it into a competition and won. The competition is for all the schools within the new school university. This means that a lot of people take part. this means that a lot of them are americans and native english-speakers. this means that some of them are writing majors at eugene-lang.
I still won. The Icelandic girl who never took a creative writing class in her life won. The Icelandic girl who just recently started writing secret stories when she was angry at people and/or had interesting dreams and/or real or imaginary conversations.
This makes me happy.
Now you can all say "hey I started reading what Júlía wrote before she won an award and became famous."
I have one problem that I want to talk about. I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with real people other than myself. I guess I am interested in myself too but I am more interested in people who I know or know of. I am not interested in imaginary people. I never ask these real people permission to draw them or write about them because that would be weird. They would think I was in love with them or something. That is not the case. I am never in love with people. So I just go ahead and draw them and write about them, telling myself I'll just never show anyone. Like when I wrote The Butcher. Of course I change names and details when I write because that's easier than changing people's faces when I draw. But I still thought "I will never tell anyone I wrote this. I will not win anything in this competition because I am foreign and this story will never be published and no one will read it."
Well I was wrong.
The story is about being foreign too, in part. It's about me and being foreign and angry and tired. It's funny. The jury used the word "Irreverence" about something in my story. I had to look the word up in the dictionary because I am foreign.
Okay. this might make me seem productive. I am not. I never make anything serious. except this story and another story that I illustrated for my lithography class. I am happy with these 2 things. Even if I get bad grades, which will probably happen, I will be happy that I accomplished two things that I like this semester. Here is a picture of the book I made:

I don't want to post the inside because I wrote and drew a real person in it and I didn't ask them permission and I'm scared they will not like it. But if you want to buy one of these they might be for sale. You should ask me.
I want to now apologize to everyone I might ever draw or write about without their permission. I'm sorry.
I should do my homework. Instead I always spend all of my time making very unserious things. Like this unserious thing I made today for Alex Fitzgerald. I like Alex Fitzgerald because he makes me smile and he likes the internet more than I do which is rare. Before I knew him I thought he was a lame internet person. Then I got to know him as an awesome real person. Now we talk to each other regularly both with our real faces and with our internets. So today's conversation resulted in this:

I am going to leave it up to you to read into this piece. Here is a clue: "Irreverence."
I am going to drink my tea now, it has probably gone cold. then I will draw tesla coils. good night.
Dear Julia,
Congratulations! On behalf of the jury members of the Vera List University Art Collection Writing Award, I am pleased to announce that your submission "The Butcher" to the 2007/2008 writing competition was awarded the first place in the category of creative response, with a prize of $400.
This means I wrote a story and sent it into a competition and won. The competition is for all the schools within the new school university. This means that a lot of people take part. this means that a lot of them are americans and native english-speakers. this means that some of them are writing majors at eugene-lang.
I still won. The Icelandic girl who never took a creative writing class in her life won. The Icelandic girl who just recently started writing secret stories when she was angry at people and/or had interesting dreams and/or real or imaginary conversations.
This makes me happy.
Now you can all say "hey I started reading what Júlía wrote before she won an award and became famous."
I have one problem that I want to talk about. I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with real people other than myself. I guess I am interested in myself too but I am more interested in people who I know or know of. I am not interested in imaginary people. I never ask these real people permission to draw them or write about them because that would be weird. They would think I was in love with them or something. That is not the case. I am never in love with people. So I just go ahead and draw them and write about them, telling myself I'll just never show anyone. Like when I wrote The Butcher. Of course I change names and details when I write because that's easier than changing people's faces when I draw. But I still thought "I will never tell anyone I wrote this. I will not win anything in this competition because I am foreign and this story will never be published and no one will read it."
Well I was wrong.
The story is about being foreign too, in part. It's about me and being foreign and angry and tired. It's funny. The jury used the word "Irreverence" about something in my story. I had to look the word up in the dictionary because I am foreign.
Okay. this might make me seem productive. I am not. I never make anything serious. except this story and another story that I illustrated for my lithography class. I am happy with these 2 things. Even if I get bad grades, which will probably happen, I will be happy that I accomplished two things that I like this semester. Here is a picture of the book I made:
I don't want to post the inside because I wrote and drew a real person in it and I didn't ask them permission and I'm scared they will not like it. But if you want to buy one of these they might be for sale. You should ask me.
I want to now apologize to everyone I might ever draw or write about without their permission. I'm sorry.
I should do my homework. Instead I always spend all of my time making very unserious things. Like this unserious thing I made today for Alex Fitzgerald. I like Alex Fitzgerald because he makes me smile and he likes the internet more than I do which is rare. Before I knew him I thought he was a lame internet person. Then I got to know him as an awesome real person. Now we talk to each other regularly both with our real faces and with our internets. So today's conversation resulted in this:

I am going to leave it up to you to read into this piece. Here is a clue: "Irreverence."
I am going to drink my tea now, it has probably gone cold. then I will draw tesla coils. good night.
Labels: alex fitzgerald, drawings, school, stories, the internet
Til hamingju. Alvarlega flott hjá þér!
þetta var líka geðveikt flott hjá þér!!
Júlía þú ert amazing ... geðveik saga...geðveikar myndir... geðveikar gkjlsdaæ...ok?
i want a copy of blood hounds, i will pay you good american (probably worthless in 2 years) money for one. Also congratulations, I love the vera list foundation for no real reason- but i do. Also who's butt is that?
awesome charlie, there's a special student discount so that will be 5 bucks for you. And that's Ryuhei Matsuda's butt. He's in a ton of good films. like this one
jói, björg, vera: takk :D
Og já Vera list ... ég tek þetta til mín.
vá! til hamingju! efast ekki um að þú sért vel að þessu kominn. og mig langar að lesa verðlaunasöguna, er það í boði?
eða komin. ég efast ekkert um kvenleika þinn heldur!
takk erla! láttu mig hafa e-mail addressuna þína og ég skal senda þér söguna :)
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