News that have nothing to do with Eurovision.
A polar bear swam over to Iceland this morning after hanging out on some ice that was floating around. The polar bear has been shot now. I was hoping they would capture it for our "zoo" but that would probably never happen, unless a baby polar bear decided to swim over. Better to know of a dead polar bear than a hungry live polar bear roaming around in the fog.

We're still having more earthquakes. And by "we" I mean "those people down south". I can't feel anything. My dad had written an article for the paper that was supposed to be published the day after the big earthquake. The next morning over breakfast he said:
"Typical. The one time in my life I decide to write for the paper they make an earthquake and fill the paper with it to prevent my article form getting printed."
mom: "why aren't you using the right bowls for the oatmeal?"
dad: "there was an earthquake. everything broke. we have no other bowls."
mom: "that's not true. nothing broke. you just didn't do the dishes last night did you..."
dad: "there was an earthquake. I was unable to do the dishes."
mom: "oh stop it."
the article was printed the following day.

We're still having more earthquakes. And by "we" I mean "those people down south". I can't feel anything. My dad had written an article for the paper that was supposed to be published the day after the big earthquake. The next morning over breakfast he said:
"Typical. The one time in my life I decide to write for the paper they make an earthquake and fill the paper with it to prevent my article form getting printed."
mom: "why aren't you using the right bowls for the oatmeal?"
dad: "there was an earthquake. everything broke. we have no other bowls."
mom: "that's not true. nothing broke. you just didn't do the dishes last night did you..."
dad: "there was an earthquake. I was unable to do the dishes."
mom: "oh stop it."
the article was printed the following day.
Haha mamma þín og pabbi eru fyndin... ég safna þín líka. Komdu og ég skal gefa þér eitthvað næs.
Vodka í ananassafa og sprite, með sítrónu og skrauti? Skrautið er plastmaður í sundskýlu...
Þessi ísbjörn lítur út fyrir að vera segja:
"hei sjáðu hvað tungan mín er blá! Ég var að borða bláan í íspinna! Haha! Ísbjörn með íspinna! hahaha!"
Um hvað var greinin?
öh eitthvað sambandi við siglingamál býst ég við. pabbi minn er siglingamálastjóri. týpískt.
yes, yes we did charles. icelanders are too damn bloodthirsty (and scared of polar bears) to consider that polar bears are ENDANGERED and it is NOT ALLOWED to shoot and kill them. ofcourse we realized those things... after the bear was dead. sigh.
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