Sunday, July 13, 2008


Play both of the following two youtube videos at once,

BUT! this is important: mute the first one (by clicking on the volume button or turning the volume all the way down) and listen to the soundtrack of the second one while looking at the first one. I guarantee greatness.


I've been lousy at updating recently. That is because I've been trying to be a real person with a normal life. It's going okay, I'm still failing at some fundamental things though.

I had this conversation the other day at a "party":

dude: "Hi Júlía"

me: "hi...?"

dude: "do you recognize me?"

me: "no I'm so sorry! I suck at recognizing people. who are you?"

dude: "my name is ______, we used to be friends on myspace, I came to your video store sometimes..."

me: "Oh I do remember you! I'm sorry, I don't even use myspace anymore. My account more or less stopped working. I'm actually pretty upset... having been a registered user since early 2004 I felt like they owed me something and this was just betrayal"

dude: "I think myspace just sensed that you needed to get off the computer and out of the house. you had spent too much time on it and it said "stop, no more myspace for you, get out of the house, go to a party, get a life". that's why this conversation is happening"

me: "that is completely true! now I understand everything."

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Blogger jannicke said...

haha! great! :D (the video thing)

and as goes for the conversation, he is probably right. when my computer crashed a month ago it was as if it tried to tell me something. suddenly I got regular routines, went to bed early, read and did a lot more stuff. it was a welcome break. now I am looking forward to a whole month in a summerhouse without internet.. :)

and as goes for customers at the video store, I met one here in copenhagen just the other day (friday night to be exact). he came over to me and was like: "hey, I used to be your customer. remember me?" and I was like: "yes! you are the one who looks exactly like oskar werner!" apparantly, the poor guy had people commenting on his recemblances all the time. but most people saw an elvis in him. I dont know why I saw an oskar werner.. do you remember him perhaps?

July 14, 2008 at 5:23 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

those videos are great. I'm glad ou updated cause I've been missin you like P Diddy misses Biggie!

July 15, 2008 at 12:36 AM  
Blogger Júlía said...

haha I think I vaguely remember the oskar werner guy jannicke. but faces kind of blend together in my head. I am working at the icelandic maritime administration now and there is one former Aðalvideo customer who has come in a copule of times and it is SO CONFUSING (the guy had a strange scratchy voice, kind of as if he had smoked a pack of cigarettes every day since he was 10.) But I guess yhe just likes movies AND sailing or something.

Charlie: "This video is not available in your country" ...wft? DISCRIMINATION! ;)

July 15, 2008 at 4:56 AM  

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