Here's a great image made by digitally assembling 220 different images from the inauguration. You can use the buttons in the top left corner to zoom in and see every little detail.
In case you hate links/ are too lazy to zoom/ want to see where I sat, I'll break it down for you:
Here's the big picture of everything except for those other 74586 miles of people in a crowd:

Here you can see where we sat in relation to The Man (click to enlarge):

Here you can see where we sat in relation to the doorway where all the fancy people entered (click to enlarge):

And here you can see us (Charlie's sisters, Charlie, Me (I was not sleeping, merely reflecting on the moment)):

Impressed? I know.
In case you hate links/ are too lazy to zoom/ want to see where I sat, I'll break it down for you:
Here's the big picture of everything except for those other 74586 miles of people in a crowd:

Here you can see where we sat in relation to The Man (click to enlarge):

Here you can see where we sat in relation to the doorway where all the fancy people entered (click to enlarge):

And here you can see us (Charlie's sisters, Charlie, Me (I was not sleeping, merely reflecting on the moment)):

Impressed? I know.
Labels: inauguration, narcissism, obama, politics
Vá! Ég hélt að þú hefðir verið ein af þessum 84930869456509 sem stóðu í kringum vatnið/tjörnina/síkið en nei auðvitað sastu bara við hliðina á Herra og Frú Obama!! Hvernig er hann svona upclose? Eyrun geðveikt stór? Og hvaða rakspíra notar hann?
Þetta er alveg ótrúlega magnað!
Þessi ljósmynd er alveg klikk.
OMG JULIA! I'm so freaking jealous!! WTF?? You couldn't even vote for him!! Did they do a crazy search of your ass before you got to sit? For guns, bombs, extra shoes, ext? And don't worry you're not the only one that looks asleep...the entire crowd of gray and white looks like their about to fall asleep or die, you ungrateful assholes!
-Nick P.
Oh PS i need to get some board games Andrew stole from me at your apt. And i have a business venture for you. Call you soon.
you are more american than i am
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