hairy priest in exile

it's 2009. have you noticed also?
I did a pretty good job of finishing up my semester and getting good grades, all things considered. I also managed to play 2 shows with feather and folly and drink a lot of fancy beer.
here's a picture from the underwater-birthdayparty-midfinals-featherandfolly show:

it was a happy place. people lost their minds and danced and asked for an encore. not quietly.
I made a picture story book that I like. It's called bearkiller. It's sort of about the film grizzly man by Werner Herzog (a favorite), but not really. It's mostly just me being a jerk.
here's the cover and the last 2 spreads (out of 5)


I'm pretty sure I didn't name him hairy priest. I swear. brother hairy priest. magnificent.
So now I've done Jólin (holiday of lights, heathens, etc.) and new years eve (holiday of blowing shit up and me always getting drunker than I intended to). My family is nice, my down-slippers are warm.
I look forward to coming back to new york and seeing friendly faces and walking around every day and drinking fancy beer in front of a bartender dressed as a monk sometimes. Maybe I can go to DC and visit charlie. maybe I can be a normal person. 2008 was a fucked up year. 2009 needs to not be. maybe i can have a job.
anyway, I'm also content here. I am content, listless, unsure and fine.
I don't know
I think we could all learn a thing or two from Amadeus the traveling dog.

When I was a little kid I was pretty damn sure that I would spend my life with three (brother) huskies. I was gonna name one Wolfgang, one Amadeus and one Mozart.

i want you.
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