this is sort of "nothing".
No, Jonathan Lethem did not find me and kill me. I have merely been very busy / very tired / very unmotivated. But it's not too bad. I am in a state of nothingness right now. I feel like "nothing". I am not happy, or sad, or excited, or depressed, I don't think I'm going to ace this semester but I also doubt that I will fail it, I sort of want to stay in new york this summer but I also want to go home. I don't really care. I really like eating and sleeping at the moment. This is an entirely boring state of mind to be in, this "nothingness". I hope something happens soon to fix it.
Now that we're all very informed on my current feelings, I can tell you what has happened.
Vera, Björg & Pétur came to stay with me over spring break. We were drunk for a week. well they were drunk for a week, i tried to keep up but couldn't really while doing homework and going to bed embarrassingly early every night. We ate delicious bagels every morning. We watched the entire season 3 of Felicity, the utterly terrible TV series that Mona left with me when we stopped living together in the dorm and i never watched it and I TRIED to return it to her but no. Of course we ended up watching the entire damned thing.

since they left I have been up to no good.
I'm trying to make a real website. you know I have this whole domain,, it's not just for this blog. this blog is just supposed to be a bonus. my friend gave me Dreamweaver CS3 claiming it was sooo easy to use, and even if I know html and css just writing out the code would be a bitch. But Dreamweaver is looking like the most complicated, time consuming shit right now. I really need to put up some things that are semi serious. Because I never do. I need someone to come sit with me and walk me through this. I just want a simple normal 2 column page. I will make them limeade and rice pudding. I make really good limeade by the way. help. me.
Now that we're all very informed on my current feelings, I can tell you what has happened.
Vera, Björg & Pétur came to stay with me over spring break. We were drunk for a week. well they were drunk for a week, i tried to keep up but couldn't really while doing homework and going to bed embarrassingly early every night. We ate delicious bagels every morning. We watched the entire season 3 of Felicity, the utterly terrible TV series that Mona left with me when we stopped living together in the dorm and i never watched it and I TRIED to return it to her but no. Of course we ended up watching the entire damned thing.

since they left I have been up to no good.
I'm trying to make a real website. you know I have this whole domain,, it's not just for this blog. this blog is just supposed to be a bonus. my friend gave me Dreamweaver CS3 claiming it was sooo easy to use, and even if I know html and css just writing out the code would be a bitch. But Dreamweaver is looking like the most complicated, time consuming shit right now. I really need to put up some things that are semi serious. Because I never do. I need someone to come sit with me and walk me through this. I just want a simple normal 2 column page. I will make them limeade and rice pudding. I make really good limeade by the way. help. me.
Labels: icelandic people, nothing, television, the internet