Friday, February 27, 2009

Ptarmigan / Grouse

I can't believe I didn't post this earlier. I completely forgot. But I forget many interesting things.

Here's a video I shot of my mother while she was preparing the birds for our Christmas dinner. I find it quite fascinating. My mother is a real game-skinning, bone-breaking woman.

My cat is also in the video. She is a real cat.

For those of you who don't speak Icelandic: mama and I are just sort of chit-chatting, although she does say how her mother taught her to skin the birds via telephone.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Walter Potter, Taxidermist

Freak kittens:


Rabbit school:

Potter's Wikipedia page

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Friday, February 20, 2009


My mama embroidered me this cushion and gave me it for christmas. It's 9 squares by 9 squares and she made it up as she went rather than using a pattern.

It's a prized possession.

Maybe my mother and Ellsworth Kelly are related in another dimension. She wasn't consciously aware of his existence when I asked.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

how I roll

Here's a tribal shaman magic swimming pool dance that you should probably look at.

It inspired me to write "a poem".

When I Grow Up

When I grow up
I want to be a maniac
a maniac
on the dance floor.


I was walking on 6th avenue the other day when I saw this magazine cover in a window:

I know the words are a little hard to make out, but I'll transcribe for you:


"preserve your genes! you guys are all, like, so hot! zomg!"

"use your hotness to make people like you!"

"make music! you guys are like totally good at that! making music is so cute! people like music! people like cuteness!"

"there's nothing wrong with just fishing and knitting you guys! that is like so totally cute also!"

I wasn't sure whether to be offended or entertained. But what can I say. I'm pretty cute, I have two of those sweaters and I make music.

speaking of. feather and folly are playing a show tonight.

I am trying to not fail at life. I mostly want to go home. And look at the wall. And look at the television. And eat food all the time. And not communicate. And be completely useless.

But I don't know what will happen.

I want to write about things on this blog all the time, fun things maybe, but then I think "no you are failing at life you don't have time to blog".

That's how I roll.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009


My American flag outfit in action [CLICK TO ENLARGE]:

(Photo by Yelena Avanesova)

My life is just one big celebration of the inauguration of Barack Obama.

That flag behind us is made out of real snakeskin by the way.

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A sophisticated conversation about Fred Sandback (edited for readability)

did they say how they do it?
that is the mySterI
although it'd probably be really easy to figure out how to do it



I was like "is that some special kind of string"

it's just acrylic yarn

no I'm referring to mySterl

oh hahahaha
like Yves Klein had his own blue
Fred Sandback had mySterI

did you send me this? "why does Fred Sandback's work make me cry"

I think I did a few months ago
he made me feel really satisfied


he was actually kind of sexy

no I really liked it a lot
there is definitely a kind of feeling it evoked
like "yes."
I am really mature in my emotions and vocabulary, I know.

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