Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I never want to draw a single line ever in my life again.

Drawing makes me feel like shit.

You know what doesn't make me feel like shit?

Films. I will now dedicate my life to only watching films for the rest of it and figuring out a way to make a living doing just that. I suspect it will involve a pen with a light on it.

Here is a gif of me interpretively dancing about my feelings:

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Monday, July 21, 2008

late night drawing

Last night I FINALLY managed to squeeze out a couple of illustration to my Butcher story. I might get paid for these so, you know, I should have done this a month ago. Anyway, I know you probably haven't read the story; I haven't published it here because it was never really meant for the public. I always thought "what are the odds that I'll win this contest. No one will ever see this." But I was wrong and The Butcher will inevitably be published this fall, although only within my school in a small paper from the Vera List Center. And maybe they'll want to put my drawings in it. I'll show you one; this is the little girl with the big dog. They have a short debate in the story about whether she got killed or not. click to view larger.

I heard there was a huricane coming over to visit us here on the southwestern coast of iceland. Judging from the weather outside it is already here. The hurricane's name is Bertha and supposedly it is not dangerous any more. I have a lot of experience living with harmless hurricanes named Bertha. My mother is one. She is a hurricane in the kitchen, for example. The results are delicious.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bee Boy Dance

I think this is very funny, I am simple like that.

Logi and I played a show on friday. Hrafnhildur & Arna had their first and last Eagle vs. Raven show at the Ibiza Bunker gallery. So we played at their opening. lots of people were there. it was kind of fun. kind of nervewracking. mostly nervewracking. But people liked it.

I am empty of stories at the moment. No I'm not. But can't seem to write them down. maybe I need to get out of bed.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

I made a wordle for this blog makes nice images from the words that are commonly used on a blog (click on the thumbnail to view):


Sunday, July 13, 2008


Play both of the following two youtube videos at once,

BUT! this is important: mute the first one (by clicking on the volume button or turning the volume all the way down) and listen to the soundtrack of the second one while looking at the first one. I guarantee greatness.


I've been lousy at updating recently. That is because I've been trying to be a real person with a normal life. It's going okay, I'm still failing at some fundamental things though.

I had this conversation the other day at a "party":

dude: "Hi Júlía"

me: "hi...?"

dude: "do you recognize me?"

me: "no I'm so sorry! I suck at recognizing people. who are you?"

dude: "my name is ______, we used to be friends on myspace, I came to your video store sometimes..."

me: "Oh I do remember you! I'm sorry, I don't even use myspace anymore. My account more or less stopped working. I'm actually pretty upset... having been a registered user since early 2004 I felt like they owed me something and this was just betrayal"

dude: "I think myspace just sensed that you needed to get off the computer and out of the house. you had spent too much time on it and it said "stop, no more myspace for you, get out of the house, go to a party, get a life". that's why this conversation is happening"

me: "that is completely true! now I understand everything."

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